How to order your repeat prescription
To order your prescription you can do it in any of the following ways:
ORDER ONLINE: You can order online by Accessing My Health Online. If you have not used this service before you will need to download the Request for MHOL Account (Standard Access) form using the appropriate link below. This form should be completed and emailed back to the practice using
- Request for MHOL Account (Standard Access )2
- Request for a MHOL Account Standard Access(inc SMS text consent)Welsh (1) (002)
- Request for MHOL Account (Carer-Child Access)2
- Request for MHOL Account (Carer-Child Access)2 Welsh
PHARMACY ORDERING: The surgery operates a prescription collection service with all the local chemists. You can register with your preferred pharmacy who will order and collect your prescription. You can then pick up your medication directly from the pharmacy without having to collect the prescription from the surgery. Some pharmacies offer a delivery service so please check with your pharmacy for further information.
POSTAL ORDERING: You can send your request in via the post along with your stamped addressed envelope.
ECONSULT: Click the banner below.
All repeat prescriptions are computerised and you will be given a white request slip listing medications you can order without seeing a doctor. Requests can be made by ticking the items that you require.
Please allow 72 hours notice for all repeat prescriptions. If you have sight problems and would like an A4 size list of your repeat medication, please ask the receptionist.
Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a Doctor, Practice Nurse or Pharmacist at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.
Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.
Please allow three full working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account.