This month we have answered 1,863 calls, answered 1,830 calls in less than 2 mins, and there were 32 abandoned calls. We had 1,322 appointments booked but 85 people did … [continue] March 2024 activity data
Local Diabetes Support

e_My Type 2 Diabetes poster_weblinks_June23e_NHS Group type 2 poster_June23My Type 2 Diabetes poster_QR codes_June23
QR code for NHS questionnaire
Age Friendly Cardiff Team
AFC Newsletter Vol 2 Welsh AFC Newsletter Vol 2 English The Age Friendly Cardiff Team produce a newsletter which includes a selection of exciting age friendly work and initiatives that … [continue] Age Friendly Cardiff Team
Recognising Heart Attacks, Strokes and Heart Failure during the Coronavirus pandemic and beyond
We are hearing that fewer people are being seen in hospital with heart attacks, strokes and heart failure in recent weeks, which suggests that people are not seeking help when … [continue] Recognising Heart Attacks, Strokes and Heart Failure during the Coronavirus pandemic and beyond